3 Apr 2014

Feminine heroines.

I admire people, I admire my friends and I admire fiction. But some of them are really worth of mention because they are great and beautiful souls.

1. Daria & Jane

I remember when I used to watch Daria when I was younger and I loved Daria's cynic attitude and Jane's sarcastic and loose charisma. I started to watch Daria again when I lived in Otava in 2010. I spent evenings and watched Daria.
I know I'm not like them but sometimes I find something from both of Jane and Daria. I also love other characters too. But mostly those two has been my inspirations always.

2. Miranda Hart

Miranda is one of those rares who I love also in television and real life. She's funny, real, has a normal body, looks like us and her life in television seems like one of us but little more awkward. Also she makes me believe that maybe also I have a change to handsome and funny guy (like TOM ELLIS) and kiss to Gary Barlow.
Miranda is fabulous and I will always appreciate her. She also is kind and talented (you who has seen her in 'Call the Midwife')

3. Diane Arbus

Those who doesn't know who this amazing woman is I recommend you to watch also movie called 'Fur'. Even it's fictional story of the real person it tells greatly about Diane. And it's very beautiful movie.
Diane is photographer who born in 1923 and took her own life in 1971. She photographed "deviants and marginal people" which meant giants, dwarfs, transgender people, nudists etc. and as you may believe how people reacted of people like them in those times but Diane loved them, she also believed that camera can be harsh and cold but it revealed the truth.
She was afraid that she'll be remembered as a photographer of freaks. But she's the first american photographer who got her works in Venice Biennale one year after her death.
I admire her a lot. I want to be as remarkable photographer as she was and is still. I hope she guides me to be one day the great photographer.

4. Women in Batman

They are bad, they make chaos but they have stories behind those masks and they are the most feminine thing in the villain world.
I admire they even I know they are mean and bad, but for example Poison Ivy was scientist who loved nature and life but greed of a man made her became what she is and she is no more dull looking woman and scientist who is under man's name tag when she actually does more.
Harley was a great psychiatric who was interviewing Joker and fell in love madly. She became obsessed of this mystery man, at last someone noticed her.She never got any real attention back but she never give up.

They are not very good inspirations but they are easy to identify in some scale. They fight because they feel like it's the only way to prove them rights.

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